Redefining Affordable Housing
by addressing community needs
New research shows mixed income communities provide upward mobility for low income residents.
GEH is committed to building healthy, stronger neighborhoods by providing green, energy efficient affordable housing options.
We're committed to affordable housing and supportive services that transform neighborhoods and stabilize lives.
Through collaborative partnerships we're focusing on holistic approaches in our communities.
and Home Depot Foundation serving our veterans most in need!
Green Extreme Homes started building the Mullins house a year and half ago to serve female Veterans. Mullins is a 7 bedroom, 4 1/2 bath home with a hydroponics warehouse and chicken coop. Mullins is a zero energy home with solar.
Mullins creates a nurturing environment for these ladies to get back on their feet and move on to independent living.
Depending on the obstacles each veteran faces will determine the amount of time they are with us at the Mullins home. Average stay will be 6 months. NPower will be providing free technical training to any of the veterans interested and we have several large corporations committed to hiring our veterans after completion of courses with a livable wage.
We will also have financial counseling and services to assist these ladies through our community partners.
Hydroponics will provide fruits and vegetables to the home but it also is therapeutic for veterans to work in the garden.
The ladies will be responsible for taking care of the chickens and spending some time in the hydroponics.
This home if the first of its kind in the country. It will not only help our veterans, it will also shine a light on the issues and best practices for helping our homeless integrate back into society.
Green Extreme Homes Receives Prestigious Housing Award
The Energy Department presented Housing Innovation Awards to 28 industry leaders from across the nation during the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance’s Excellence in Building Conference in St. Louis, Missouri.
Green Extreme Homes opens the REED HOUSE to serve homeless Female Veterans
Zero Energy, Vertical Farming, and a Chicken Coup, first of this type of housing in the US to serve Veterans in need.